January 22, 2024
The Department of Consumer Protection is aware of confusion surrounding the sale of THC-infused seltzers in package stores and grocery stores with liquor permits. The sale of THC-infused seltzers is allowed in these locations subject to certain rules:
- Each product can only have 5 mg of THC per container and 1 mg of THC per serving. For example, a standard 12 ounce can of seltzer is limited to 5 mg of THC, if it contains at least 5 servings.
- No THC-infused product can have the words “cannabis” or “canna” on the container or packaging. For example, the words “cannabis-infused,” “cannabis water,” or “canna-effects” are prohibited.
There are additional requirements for selling THC-infused seltzers. For more information about serving sizes, advertising, and labeling, please review this guide. Please email DCP.Cannabis@ct.gov with any additional questions.
The Department of Consumer Protection, through the State Liquor Control Commission, oversees all sales of liquor in the State of Connecticut. 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 901, Hartford, CT, 06103. Visit the Liquor Control Division website ct.gov/dcp.