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MD&S Distributors Welcomes New Spirits

By November 27, 2023Connecticut, Top News

MD&S Distributors added several new brands for a range of gift-giving spirits. Symphony No. 3 Rum, produced in the U.S., is a molasses-based rum made from Florida sugar cane, conceived in California and bottled in Minnesota. Coquito Trigo for the holidays hails from Puerto Rico, where the coconut cream-based liqueur is traditionally served during Christmastime. Coquito Trigo is made with 1-year-old rum, coconut milk, sweet condensed milk, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. The brand has two expressions: white rum and aged rum, each made without additives or colors. Iconic rock band offering Drink It Up by KISS is a new collection of gin and rum in the U.S. The band first launched its spirits collection in Europe, Australia and Japan with Cold Gin and its rum collection, KISS Black Diamond Premium Dark Rum, KISS Detroit Rock Premium Dark Rum and KISS Monstrum Ultra Premium Rum for music fans and spirits lovers alike.


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