Nine local restaurants participated in the first martini competition sponsored by the Newtown Chamber of Commerce. Any creation could be submitted. Approximately 200 guests sampled martinis and enjoyed a variety of food offerings from the various restaurants. Winners were decided by guests’ votes. Each guest could select up to two of their favorites. Participating restaurants included Sal e Pepe, Fusion 25, My Place, Toro, Tambascio’s, The Inn at Newtown, Foundry Kitchen & Tavern and Sweet Mango. The popular vote put My Place in first place and the Foundry Kitchen & Tavern in second. Photos provided by MartiniHunter.com

Foundry Kitchen & Tavern Mixologist Ralph Alterisio came in second with his “Szechuan Gin Martini” and My Place’s “Janus Loves Cucumbers” by Mixologist Mark Lennon placed first.