The Norcom Cares Foundation, in collaboration with Bottle Stop Wine & Spirit Superstore, hosted the sixth annual Norcom Cares Beer & Wine Tasting at Thomas Hooker Live in Hartford on Feb. 22. Guests enjoyed unlimited pours of fine wine and craft beer from a variety of supplier and distributor representatives, with food, raffles, live music and silent auctions. Event proceeds benefited the Norcom Cares Foundation, a nonprofit organization that raises funds for Connecticut-based charities including Focus on Canton, The Red Cross Blood Drive and The Salvation Army.
The Norcom Cares Foundation hosted the sixth annual Norcom Cares Beer & Wine Tasting at Thomas Hooker Live in Hartford on Feb. 22.
Girish Patel, Managing Director, Bottle Stop Wine & Spirit Superstore and Greg Watterworth Jr., Sales Representative – Anchor division, Connecticut Distributors, Inc.
Guests enjoyed unlimited pours of fine wine and craft beer in support of the Norcom Cares Foundation.
A pour of Thomas Hooker beer.
Featured spirits from the Bottle Stop Wine & Spirit Superstore.
Mariette Slater, Sales Representative, Full Moonshine from Hickory Ledges Farm.
Emily Kuhlberg, Experience Manager, Norcom Mortgage showcasing Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey.
Bottle Stop Wine & Spirit Superstore was the event’s beverage sponsor.
Guests took part in raffles and games in support of the Norcom Cares Foundation.
A pour of sparkling wine.
Raffle prizes.
The Norcom team celebrating its successful fundraiser.
Photos by Michael Leung.