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CPSA Teams Up On Enforcement Trainings

By October 10, 2012Connecticut, Association Talk

Alcohol/drug impaired driving is a major concern on Connecticut roadways.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration defines a fatal crash “as alcohol related if either a driver or a non-motorist had a measurable or estimated blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.01% or more.” Recent studies have shown that sobriety checkpoint programs are extremely effective. For example, areas in which these programs are utilized show a decline in injury crashes involving alcohol – that is, crashes in which drivers had any measurable BAC – as compared to areas where there were no checkpoint programs in place. Surveys taken in communities with checkpoints indicate an increase in awareness of enforcement after the checkpoint programs are run.

The by-product of DUI High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) is the public’s perception that punishment for driving impaired is likely to occur. This concept is realized through highly visible and aggressive enforcement conducted at various locations within a community or region. Law Enforcement personnel MUST have the proper equipment and be readily trained in the Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) in order to maximize high visibility while patrolling Connecticut’s roadways.

This public /private partnership between CPSA, CPCA and CTDOT will ensure that three five day trainings will be conducted in “High Visibility Enforcement” for law enforcement personnel. These three five day trainings will be marketed to focus on the most deadly causes of fatal crashes in the State of Connecticut “Seat belts, Alcohol/Drugs, Distracted Driving and Speed.”

Activities include:

* Trainings consisting of four days of instruction in the NHTSA Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) trainings including a two live wet labs, using live test subjects sponsored in partnership with the Connecticut Package Stores Association, Inc. (CPSA ) Day Five will consist of Occupant Protection, Distracted driving and Speed enforcement.
* The goal will be to train a minimum of seventy-five Police Officers and Troopers with the latest updates in High Visibility Enforcement in not only Impaired Driving, but in Occupant Protection, Distracted Driving Enforcement/Education and Speed Management.

Learn more.

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