July 2023
From the Office of M. Caitlin S. Anderson
Liquor Control Division Director
RE: Package Store Permit Renewal Reminder
The Liquor Control Division is reminding package store permittees to renew before the permit expires. Failing to renew before the expiration date may result in the permanent loss of your permit.
Tips to renew on time:
- Know your expiration date. It can be found on the bottom left of your permit.
- Set calendar reminders on your phone for a month before your expiration date. We encourage you to renew a few weeks early.
- Keep your email address up-to-date on your eLicense account. Renewal notices and reminders are emailed to the email address on your eLicense account.
- Make sure “@ct.gov” email addresses are accepted by your spam filter so you see renewal emails from us.
- Renew your permit online. The renewal will be completed immediately if done online. Sending us paper renewals results in delays that could jeopardize your permit.
Thank you for renewing your package store permit on time. We appreciate the steps you take to keep your permit active and in good standing. Please contact us at DCP.LiquorControl@ct.gov with any questions.
The Department of Consumer Protection, through the State Liquor Control Commission, oversees all sales of liquor in the State of Connecticut. 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 901, Hartford, CT, 06103. Visit the Liquor Control Division website www.ct.gov/dcp.