New England’s Narragansett Beer introduced Town Beach Imperial IPA, the fifth installment of the Narragansett Private Stock series of 22-ounce limited edition craft offerings. Town Beach Imperial IPA has a base of pale malt and German Pilsner and is described as s “a citrusy brew, accentuated by blonde malt and bittered with Nugget and Chinook hops.” With Northern Brewer and Hallertau hops, the beer’s German and American ingredients are a nod to the six German-Americans who founded Narragansett in 1890. Town Beacn Imperial IPA is 8.1 percent abv and available in 22-ounce bomber bottles throughout Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Since debuting the series of 22-ounce limited edition Imperial beers in December 2012, Narragansett’s Private Stock series selections have included the Imperial Russian Stout, Imperial Black Steam, Imperial IPA, and Imperial Bohemian Pilsner.