Len Panaggio, Beverage Consultant
By Len Pannagio
November is a pivotal month, and not just because it kick-starts the holiday season. As we shift from fall to winter, there are a lot of important goings-on this month. First and foremost is setting our clocks back—you remember, time to “fall behind.” Hopefully, you have all adjusted your hours of operation, as saving an hour or two on the cost of labor is a gift. More and more businesses have opted to close for a day or two; certainly a viable move, but one that requires adjustments to websites and listings.
We also have two long weekends this month. On Monday, Nov. 11, the nation will celebrate Veteran’s Day. Remember to schedule accordingly as it is a federal holiday and there are lots of folks celebrating. Next is Thanksgiving weekend, and despite it falling on a Thursday, most folks opt to take the next day off. College kids come home, schools are out and Christmas shopping is underway. So, there are a lot of opportunities for some great business.
Flavors of the season are in full swing and every category of beverage has a pumpkin spice product. As we know, Oktoberfest beers fizzle after Columbus Day and pumpkin moves right in and stays until Christmas. But aside from seasonal beverages, consumers switch up basic beverage choices. Lagers move to ales, white and rosé wines (don’t give up completely on rosé) yield to heavier red wines and craft cocktails move away from white spirits to brown.
Before this shift is too far along, check the bottle creep in your bars. This happens when “new” products that have come online over the previous six months haven’t sold and get moved into valuable space at the back bar. It is time to evaluate the “dogs” and dispatch them. Whether having your chef incorporate them into a seasonal special or having your bartender create a specialty spirit priced to move, it clears space for the glorious end-of-year bargains.
As we know, distributors and suppliers will be pressured to move product to close out the year. As I have said in many years previously, there will be some great deals and closeouts to be had, and sharp bar managers and owners will take advantage of it. Spending money now will pay off down the road.
Finally, during this month and next, we will see a huge uptick in consumers celebrating the season. If you are charging a fee for guests to use credit cards (I’m seeing 3% on many checks), please make sure that this is clearly noted. While some operators claim the percentage is so small that there has not been a negative customer reaction to it, it’s important that your guests know this policy up front so that they are not caught off guard and wind up with a sour taste after visiting your establishment. I’m not saying don’t charge the fee. With the cost of everything going up, we need to look carefully under every rock for potential savings, and this is a real one. But, again, make sure that you are transparent about it on websites, menus and checks.
Oh, and before I forget … please vote. It is important for so many reasons. We should all exercise one of our most important rights. Happy holiday season!
Len Panaggio’s career in food and wine spans more than three decades as an owner and as a beverage director at some of the top restaurants in Rhode Island. Currently a hospitality consultant, Len is a graduate of the University of Rhode Island and has attended the Culinary Institute of America Master Sommelier program and the Sterling School of Service and Hospitality.