By Len Panaggio, President, Newport Harbor Corporation
What the heck is Thai-poh? Well, it’s not a new dish on a menu, it’s not a new wine on a list, it’s not a new drink on the specialty list, and it’s definitely not a new beer. But, you can find it on nearly every one of the aforementioned lists and it is getting more ubiquitous by the day.
A Thai-poh is really a typo! I am amazed at all the spelling errors that restaurants and hotels have on their most important marketing documents. There are so many examples of things that are close to being spelled correctly, but miss the mark. The devil is in the details and when I see these glowing imperfections I wonder what else management is overlooking or simply taking for granted.
We are in a highly-competitive business and this sloppiness not only reflects poorly on the establishment, but is completely unnecessary in this day of spell check and Google. We live in an age of “instant everything” and slowing down to check what we’re presenting to the public instead of rushing to print it is not a luxury…it’s a necessity.
It might sound trivial, but to many of our guests, reading a typo sends a subtle message—mediocrity. Is that what you are striving for? When I see menus and lists written with care and accuracy, I feel comfortable that I am in good hands and in a place where management truly does care and is paying attention to every last detail.
I urge everyone to slow down and take the time to proof your wine and drink lists and menus carefully; they speak volumes about your business. Show customers that you are striving for perfection and in turn, want to give them the best experience possible.
After all, isn’t that what all of our guests are looking for?
A Votre Santé!!!